import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# pip install pandas-profiling
import pandas_profiling as pdp
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
import time
import datetime
traps = pd.read_csv('assets/train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('assets/test.csv')
spray = pd.read_csv('assets/spray.csv')
weather = pd.read_csv('assets/weather.csv')
From this profile report of traps, there are a few things we found important and will deal with:
## We can tackle the multiple addresses and the grouping in this one step
traps = traps[['Trap',
feats = traps.columns
## get species dummies and add to traps df
traps = pd.get_dummies(traps, columns=['Species'])
## convert to date
traps.Date = pd.to_datetime(traps.Date)
Let's look at the features that we'll have when we run our test data through the models:
# The test data doesn't include NumMosquitos...
# this means we should drop this column from traps
# and then drop the duplicates
## Might as well go ahead and perform the same modifications on the test data
# remove the redundant address features from test
test = test[feats.drop(['WnvPresent','NumMosquitos'])]
## get species dummies and add to traps df
test = pd.get_dummies(test, columns=['Species'])
## convert to date
test.Date = pd.to_datetime(test.Date)
This is a really simple dataset. There are missing values in time, but it doesn't seem like a significant feature as it's too specific and variable. We will exclude Time, and don't have any modifications to make aside from converting the Date feature into date type.
spray.Date = pd.to_datetime(spray.Date)
# Drop the duplicate records
Important notes from the profile report:
weather.Date = pd.to_datetime(weather.Date)
# skip the numeric columns, because they can't contain the 'M' string
check_missing_values = ['Depart','Heat','Cool','Sunrise','Sunset','Depth','Water1','SnowFall']
for col in weather[check_missing_values]:
station_1 = len(weather[(weather[col].str.contains('\D')) & (weather.Station==1)])
print col + ' has ' + str(station_1) + ' missing values at station 1'
station_2 = len(weather[(weather[col].str.contains('\D')) & (weather.Station==2)])
print col + ' has ' + str(station_2) + ' missing values at station 2'
print ''
It looks like station 2 consistently has more missing values, so let's stick to using station 1 as our weather source.
weather = weather[weather.Station==1].drop('Station',axis=1)
Actually, a bunch of the features are 0 and won't give us any information. We'll remove them:
exclude = ['Depart','Heat','Cool','Sunrise','Sunset','Depth','Water1','SnowFall']
include = weather.columns.drop(exclude)
weather = weather[include]
# clean up features that should be numeric
# the PrecipTotal column contains the letter 'T' in some rows
# this indicates a 'trace' amount of precipitation, which is
# defined as less than 0.005
# 'M' indicates missing data
def clean_col(column):
weather[column] = weather[column].str.replace('T','0.005')
weather[column] = weather[column].str.replace('M','0.0')
weather[column] = weather[column].astype(float)
columns = ['Tavg','PrecipTotal','WetBulb','StnPressure','SeaLevel','AvgSpeed']
for col in columns:
# If the CodeSum contains letters, they signify some type
# of significant weather event. Let's instead flag these as 1
# and then 0 for the values that are just whitespace
weather.CodeSum = weather.CodeSum.str.strip()
weather.CodeSum[weather.CodeSum.str.contains('^\w')] = '1'
weather.CodeSum[weather.CodeSum!='1'] = '0'
weather.CodeSum = weather.CodeSum.astype(float)
# fill in missing Tavg by just taking the avg of Tmin and Tmax
# while this is not how Tavg is calculated, but it's probably close
weather['Tavg'][weather.Tavg==0] = (weather.Tmin + weather.Tmax) / 2
no_dummies = [x for x in traps.columns if not 'Species_' in x]
no_dummies = weather.columns.drop(['CodeSum','SeaLevel','StnPressure'])
#Before adding anything, let's see what the feature correlation looks like
def find_correlation(data,title):
correlation = data.corr()
sns.heatmap(correlation, vmax=.8, square=True)
find_correlation(traps, 'Traps')
## Parse Dates to see if they can be used in the modeling
traps['year'] = traps['Date'].dt.year
traps['month'] = traps['Date'].dt.month
traps['day'] = traps['Date']
This function will add weather features to our traps df, and takes three arguments:
def weather_add(df, weather_col, func, days_range=7):
new_list = []
for i in df['Date']:
mask = (weather['Date'] <= i) & (weather['Date'] >= i - pd.Timedelta(days=days_range))
data_list = func(weather[weather_col][mask])
return new_list
## running this cell will extract the average temp min, average temp max, and precipitation sum
## to the traps dataframe from the previous 7 days, unless otherwise specified
for col in ['Tmax','Tmin','Tavg','WetBulb','CodeSum','StnPressure','SeaLevel', 'ResultSpeed', 'ResultDir','AvgSpeed']:
traps[col] = weather_add(traps, weather_col=col, func=np.mean)
traps['PrecipTotal']= weather_add(traps, weather_col='PrecipTotal', func= np.sum)
traps['DewPoint']= weather_add(traps, weather_col ='DewPoint', func=np.mean, days_range = 10)
traps['Tmax_20'] = weather_add(traps, weather_col='Tmax',func=np.mean, days_range=20)
traps['Tmin_20'] = weather_add(traps, weather_col='Tmin', func=np.mean, days_range=20)
traps['Tmin_3'] = weather_add(traps, weather_col='Tmin', func=np.mean, days_range=3)
traps['Tmax_3'] = weather_add(traps, weather_col='Tmax', func=np.mean, days_range=3)
This function will add spray features to our traps df, and takes 5 arguments:
def add_cols(traps,start,stop,col,Spray_col):
# ex) I want the week leading up to the inspection date: start = 0, end = 7
# ex) I want the week before that: start = 7, end = 14
from geopy.distance import vincenty
traps_sprayed = traps[traps[Spray_col].isnull()].index.values
remaining = len(traps_sprayed)
for i in traps_sprayed:
if start>0: # subtract # of days from the date the trap is inspected
start_date = traps.Date.loc[i] - pd.Timedelta(days=start)
else: # if start=0, then we're starting on the trap inspection day and collecting data backwards
start_date = traps.Date.loc[i]
end_date = traps.Date.loc[i] - pd.Timedelta(days=stop)
dates = pd.date_range(start=end_date, end=start_date).tolist() # create list of all dates in our start, end points
trap_lat = traps.Latitude.loc[i]
trap_long = traps.Longitude.loc[i]
dist = []
# for each dated trap inspection, select only the spray records within the date range
spray_temp = spray[['Latitude','Longitude','Date']][spray.Date.isin(dates)]
remaining-=1 # counts how many records are left to process
print str(remaining),' remaining'
# run through each coordinate in the spray data and record the distance from our trap
for j in range(0,len(spray_temp)):
spray_lat = spray_temp.Latitude.iloc[j]
spray_long = spray_temp.Longitude.iloc[j]
a = (trap_lat, trap_long) # trap coordinates
b = (spray_lat, spray_long) # spray coordinates
dist.append(vincenty(a, b).miles) # calculate the distance between the points
# set the spray value to the shortest distance
traps[Spray_col].loc[i] = min(dist)
dt = dist.index(min(dist))
spray_dt = spray_temp.Date.iloc[dt]
# record the number of days from inspection that the nearest spray occurred
traps[col].loc[i] = pd.Timedelta(traps.Date.loc[i]-spray_dt).days
# get the indicies of trap data that actually have spray data
traps_spray = traps[traps.Year.isin([2011,2013])]
# create the columns
traps_spray['Spray_Dist'] = np.NaN
traps_spray['Spray_Days_Ago'] = np.NaN
# week leading up to inspection
#one week out
# two weeks out
# three weeks out
# four weeks out
# Check to see how many values we were able to fill in
Nope. Not going to include spray data. We could potentially model the spray data from 2011, 2013 to predict values for 2007, 2009 to fill our data, but we didn't have time to go down that path.
## Save the transformed tables so we don't have to run the earlier cells
# traps.to_csv('./assets/Train_transformed/traps_jd.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
##re-import the altered traps file if re-running and want to skip steps above
# traps = pd.read_csv('./assets/Train_transformed/traps_jd.csv')
## Check out how the correlation map changed with our new features
find_correlation(traps, 'Traps')
# Get rid of features that we cannot use
features = traps.columns.drop(['WnvPresent','Date','Trap'])
X = traps[features]
y = traps.WnvPresent
## slightly adapted from:
# from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectPercentile
from sklearn.linear_model import RandomizedLogisticRegression
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV, f_classif
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import numpy as np
# create a function that scales the data, takes the data
# and scores the features, storing it in a dictionary, ranks
def rank_to_dict(ranks, names, order=1):
minmax = StandardScaler()
ranks = minmax.fit_transform(order*np.array([ranks]).T).T[0]
ranks = map(lambda x: round(x, 2), ranks)
return dict(zip(names, ranks ))
ranks = {}
lr = RandomizedLogisticRegression(), y)
ranks["Logistic"] = rank_to_dict(np.abs(lr.scores_), features)
rf = RandomForestClassifier(),y)
ranks["RF"] = rank_to_dict(rf.feature_importances_, features)
f, pval = f_classif(X, y)
ranks["F_Classif."] = rank_to_dict(f, features)
r = {}
for name in features:
r[name] = round(np.mean([ranks[method][name] for method in ranks.keys()]), 2)
methods = sorted(ranks.keys())
# average out the scores
ranks["Mean"] = r
# Now that we have our data, convert to dataframe for better viewing
feats = []
names = []
# feature names
for i in ranks['RF']:
# feature importances
for i in ranks:
row = []
for j in ranks[i]:
feats_t = []
for i in range(0,len(features)):
row = []
for f in feats:
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame(feats_t,columns = ['Feature','F_Classif','Logistic','RF','Mean'])
# feature_importances.sort_values(['Mean','F_Classif','Logistic','RF'],ascending=False)
# feature_importances.Feature
Cutting off the features at Tmin_3--use all above it. Also, this has been re-run several times and somehow the Species_CULEX RESTUANS shot up the ranks. This feature, however, wasn't used in any of our models, so it will not be included.
features_new = list(feature_importances.sort_values(['Mean','F_Classif','Logistic','RF'],ascending=False)['Feature'][0:9])
features_new.remove('Species_CULEX RESTUANS')
X = traps[features_new]
y = traps.WnvPresent
We will use the StandardScaler to scale our data for us in the RandomForest models and SVM models. We'll also just keep the regular data for comparison
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler, RobustScaler, normalize
X_s = pd.DataFrame(StandardScaler().fit_transform(X[X.columns.drop('Species_CULEX PIPIENS')]),columns=X.columns.drop('Species_CULEX PIPIENS'))
X_s = pd.DataFrame(X['Species_CULEX PIPIENS']).merge(X_s,left_on=X.index.values, right_on=X_s.index.values)
Creating a stratified train-test split to evaluate our models. Stratified because, as noted above, zeroes dominate WnvPositive at 94%.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Split the raw, unscaled data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,train_size=.33, stratify=y)
Split the scaled data
X_train_s, X_test_s, y_train_s, y_test_s = train_test_split(X_s,y,train_size=.33, stratify=y)
Check that both sets have identical shape
print 'Raw splits:'
print X_train.shape, X_test.shape, y_test.shape, y_train.shape
print 'Scaled splits:'
print X_train_s.shape, X_test_s.shape, y_test_s.shape, y_train_s.shape
Create a function that we will use to evaluate our models. It will return the ROC score that we can use to see how well it will do on Kaggle.
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
def score_model(model,X_test,y_test):
preds = model.predict_proba(X_test)
pred_list =[]
for x in preds:
roc_score = roc_auc_score(y_test, pred_list)
return roc_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
RF = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 1000,
min_samples_leaf= 1,
min_samples_split= 2)
Using raw data
RF_model=, y_train)
# 0.86780509496634572
Using StandardScaled data
RF_model_s =, y_train_s)
score_model(RF_model_s,X_test_s, y_test_s)
# 0.81161294220537694
from sklearn.svm import SVC
SVM with kernel = 'rbf'
svmc= SVC(probability=True)
svm_model =,y_train)
# 0.30215737665155207
svm_model_s =,y_train_s)
Scaled data performed significantly better.
Try with the linear kernel by using bagging and ovr
# credit: first answer on
import time
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
start = time.time()
clf1 = OneVsRestClassifier(SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, class_weight='balanced')), y_train)
end = time.time()
print "Single SVC", end - start, clf1.score(X_test,y_test), score_model(clf1,X_test,y_test)
n_estimators = 10
start = time.time()
clf2 = OneVsRestClassifier(BaggingClassifier(SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, class_weight='balanced'), max_samples=1.0 / n_estimators, n_estimators=n_estimators)), y_train)
end = time.time()
print "Bagging SVC", end - start, clf2.score(X_test,y_test), score_model(clf2,X_test,y_test)
# Single SVC 4.18354606628 0.671693534408 0.754635462093
# Bagging SVC 0.904535055161 0.787831513261 0.746318070825
Try with the scaled data
# credit: first answer on
import time
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
start = time.time()
clf1s = OneVsRestClassifier(SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, class_weight='balanced')), y_train_s)
end = time.time()
print "Single SVC", end - start, clf1s.score(X_test_s,y_test_s), score_model(clf1s,X_test_s,y_test_s)
n_estimators = 10
start = time.time()
clf2s = OneVsRestClassifier(BaggingClassifier(SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, class_weight='balanced'), max_samples=1.0 / n_estimators, n_estimators=n_estimators)), y_train_s)
end = time.time()
print "Bagging SVC", end - start, clf2s.score(X_test_s,y_test_s), score_model(clf2s,X_test_s,y_test_s)
# Single SVC 1.21880817413 0.680013867221 0.751182644026
# Bagging SVC 0.137820005417 0.718495406483 0.744525261444
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
def log(X,y,X_test,y_test):
# flatten y into a 1-D array
y_log = np.ravel(y)
model = LogisticRegression()
model =, y)
predicted = model.predict(X_test)
probs = model.predict_proba(X_test)
scores = cross_val_score(LogisticRegression(), X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=10)
print 'Mean CV score: ' + str(scores.mean())
print 'Accuracy score: ' + str(metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, predicted))
print 'Roc-auc score: ' + str(metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, probs[:, 1]))
print ''
print 'Confusion matrix: \n' + str(metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test, predicted))
print 'Classification report: \n' + str(metrics.classification_report(y_test, predicted))
# check the accuracy on the training set
print 'Model score: ' + str(model.score(X_test, y_test))
print 'Kaggle: ' + str(score_model(model,X_test,y_test))
print ''
# Mean CV score: 0.946850753645
# Accuracy score: 0.946957878315
# Roc-auc score: 0.734609476227
# Mean CV score: 0.946850753645
# Accuracy score: 0.946957878315
# Roc-auc score: 0.761849471011
The logistic regression model using the scaled data looks okay. Making that model and submitting to kaggle.
# flatten y into a 1-D array
y_log = np.ravel(y_train_s)
log_model = LogisticRegression()
log_model =, y_train_s)
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
adaboost= AdaBoostClassifier(),y)
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
def GradBoostClass(X_train,y_train,X_test,y_test):
clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=1.0,max_depth=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train)
clf.score(X_test, y_test)
print score_model(clf,X_test,y_test)
print ''
# 0.807420448196
# 0.799875933045
gradboost = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=1.0,max_depth=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train)
gradboost.score(X_test, y_test)
import xgboost as xgb
from xgboost.sklearn import XGBClassifier
import scipy.stats as st
model = XGBClassifier()
xgm =, y_train, eval_metric=roc_auc_score)
# 0.8723832880791802
import random
params = {
"n_estimators": [3,4,5,7,8,10],
"max_depth": st.randint(3, 40),
"learning_rate": st.uniform(0.05, 0.4),
'eval_metric' :'auc',
'objective': ['binary:logistic']
xgbclass = XGBClassifier()
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
gs = GridSearchCV(xgbclass, params, n_jobs=-1, scoring='roc_auc'), y_train)
xg_grid = XGBClassifier(base_score=0.5, colsample_bylevel=1, colsample_bytree=1,
gamma=0, learning_rate=0.1, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=3,
min_child_weight=1, missing=None, n_estimators=100, nthread=-1,
objective='binary:logistic', reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1,
scale_pos_weight=1, seed=0, silent=True, subsample=1)
xg_final =, y_train)
# 0.81860621483323937
## Add features
test['Tmax_20'] = weather_add(test, weather_col='Tmax',func=np.mean, days_range=20)
test['DewPoint']= weather_add(test, weather_col ='DewPoint', func=np.mean, days_range = 10)
test['Tmin_3'] = weather_add(test, weather_col='Tmin', func=np.mean, days_range=3)
test['Tmin_20'] = weather_add(test, weather_col='Tmin', func=np.mean, days_range=20)
test['month'] = test['Date'].dt.month
## Export the tranformed test data to a folder in the repo
## so we don't have to run the above cells every time
# test.to_csv('./assets/Test_transformed/test_transformed_427.csv',sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
# test = pd.read_csv('./assets/Test_transformed/test_transformed_427.csv')
test_X = test[features_new]
test_s = pd.DataFrame(StandardScaler().fit_transform(test_X[test_X.columns.drop(['Species_CULEX PIPIENS'])]),columns=test_X.columns.drop(['Species_CULEX PIPIENS']))
test_s = pd.DataFrame(test_X[['Species_CULEX PIPIENS']]).merge(test_s,left_on=test_X.index.values, right_on=test_s.index.values)
###This function will takes a model and a model name(as a string), generate predictions,
### and save that as a CSV labeled with the model name and date.
import time
import math
def model_and_export(model, model_name,test_X=test_X):
pred_list = []
predictions = model.predict_proba(test_X)
for x in predictions:
indexes=np.arange(1, len(predictions)+1, 1)
preds_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[indexes, pred_list]).T
preds_df.columns =['Id','WnvPresent']
preds_df['Id'] = preds_df.Id.astype(int)
location = './submissions/{}_{}.csv'.format(model_name, time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y"))
preds_df.to_csv(location, index=False)
model_and_export(RF_model, 'RF_JD*')
# Your submission scored 0.72874
model_and_export(log_model, 'LOG_JD*',test_s)
# Your submission scored 0.72305
model_and_export(clf2s, 'SVM_S*', test_s)
# Your submission scored 0.69906.
model_and_export(ada_model, 'ADABoost_JD*')
# Your submission scored 0.74416.
model_and_export(gradboost, 'GRADBOOST_*')
# Your submission scored 0.64589
model_and_export(xgm, 'XG_JD*')
# Your submission scored 0.75110
model_and_export(xg_final, 'XG_FINAL*')
# Your submission scored 0.71567
def ensemble_and_export(model1,model2,test_X,file_name):
pred_m1 = []
predictions_m1 = model1.predict_proba(test_X)
pred_m2 = []
predictions_m2 = model2.predict_proba(test_X)
for x in predictions_m1:
for x in predictions_m2:
indexes=np.arange(1, len(predictions_m1)+1, 1)
preds_m1 = pd.DataFrame(data=[indexes, pred_m1]).T
preds_m1.columns =['Id','WnvPresent']
preds_m1['Id'] = preds_m1.Id.astype(int)
preds_m2 = pd.DataFrame(data=[indexes, pred_m2]).T
preds_m2.columns =['Id','WnvPresent']
preds_m2['Id'] = preds_m2.Id.astype(int)
ensemble = preds_m1.merge(preds_m2,left_on='Id', right_on='Id')
ensemble['avg'] = (ensemble['WnvPresent_x']+ ensemble['WnvPresent_y']) / 2
ensemble = ensemble[['Id','WnvPresent']]
location = './submissions/{}_{}.csv'.format(file_name, time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y"))
ensemble.to_csv(location, index=False)
# Your submission scored 0.70831.
# Your submission scored 0.70979.