Space Efficiency with Pandas DataFrames
Lately I’ve been working with enormous datasets (10s of millions of rows) with anywhere from tens to hundreds or even thousands of features. What I have found to be absolutely critical is cutting down on as much space as possible. Assigning dtypes to your dataframe is the best thing you can do for performance enhancement.
I’ll be using a data set on US Census data, found at the link below.
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_table(url,sep=',')
First thing to do is check the dataframe info. This will detail the dtypes of the columns, along with the total size of your table.
This tells us the following:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2458285 entries, 0 to 2458284
Data columns (total 69 columns):
caseid int64
dAge int64
dAncstry1 int64
dAncstry2 int64
iAvail int64
iCitizen int64
iClass int64
dDepart int64
iDisabl1 int64
iDisabl2 int64
iEnglish int64
iFeb55 int64
iFertil int64
dHispanic int64
dHour89 int64
dHours int64
iImmigr int64
dIncome1 int64
dIncome2 int64
dIncome3 int64
dIncome4 int64
dIncome5 int64
dIncome6 int64
dIncome7 int64
dIncome8 int64
dIndustry int64
iKorean int64
iLang1 int64
iLooking int64
iMarital int64
iMay75880 int64
iMeans int64
iMilitary int64
iMobility int64
iMobillim int64
dOccup int64
iOthrserv int64
iPerscare int64
dPOB int64
dPoverty int64
dPwgt1 int64
iRagechld int64
dRearning int64
iRelat1 int64
iRelat2 int64
iRemplpar int64
iRiders int64
iRlabor int64
iRownchld int64
dRpincome int64
iRPOB int64
iRrelchld int64
iRspouse int64
iRvetserv int64
iSchool int64
iSept80 int64
iSex int64
iSubfam1 int64
iSubfam2 int64
iTmpabsnt int64
dTravtime int64
iVietnam int64
dWeek89 int64
iWork89 int64
iWorklwk int64
iWWII int64
iYearsch int64
iYearwrk int64
dYrsserv int64
dtypes: int64(69)
memory usage: 1.3 GB
Numeric Columns
All int64 columns. An integer column can be 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits, while float columns can be 16, 32, or 64 bits. Know that a float16 column is the same size as an int16 column.
How do we know the optimal size for our numeric columns? Numpy has iinfo, finfo (integer, float info) attributes that tell us the range which a column’s values should fall within for each size. Below, we will use this to create a reference that will give us all of the ranges for each bit size.
# all the possible bit sizes for floats, ints
numeric_dtypes = {'float': {}, 'int': {} }
float_bits, int_bits = ['16', '32', '64'], ['8','16','32','64']
# use numpy's iinfo, finfo attributes to figure out what the min, max values are for each bit type
for bit in float_bits:
numeric_dtypes['float'][bit] = [np.finfo("float"+bit).min,np.finfo("float"+bit).max]
for bit in int_bits:
numeric_dtypes['int'][bit] = [np.iinfo("int"+bit).min,np.iinfo("int"+bit).max]
Check out the bit information:
{'float': { '16': [-65504.0, 65504.0],
'32': [-3.4028235e+38, 3.4028235e+38],
'64': [-1.7976931348623157e+308, 1.7976931348623157e+308]},
'int': { '16': [-32768, 32767],
'32': [-2147483648, 2147483647],
'64': [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807],
'8': [-128, 127]}}
These are the ranges that the min, max value of a particular column must fall within to use the bit size. If you apply a smaller bit size to a column than it actually needs, your values will get messed up.
Now that we have this information, let’s check out each column and see which size would be best. We’re going to create a dictionary of the original dtypes in the df, and then create a new one with optimal bit sizes. Although this df only has ints, the following code snippet includes floats so that you can use it with any dataframe.
# grab all columns that are either integer or float dtypes
temp = df.select_dtypes(include=['integer','float'])
# create a dictionary of the df's dtypes that we will use and update with new numeric dtypes
dtypes = dict(df.dtypes)
for col in temp.columns:
min_val = df[col].min()
max_val = df[col].max()
# find out whether this numeric column is int or float
num_type = re.match(r'[^0-9]+',str(dtypes[col])).group()
for bit in numeric_dtypes[num_type]:
if (min_val >= numeric_dtypes[num_type][bit][0]) & (max_val <= numeric_dtypes[num_type][bit][1]):
dtypes[col] = num_type + bit
break # to ensure that the smallest possible bit size gets recorded in the dtype dict, break the loop here
We already have the old dtypes printed above (after and they’re all int64. So let’s check out what the new proposed dtypes are:
{'caseid': 'int16',
'dAge': 'int8',
'dAncstry1': 'int8',
'dAncstry2': 'int8',
'dDepart': 'int8',
'dHispanic': 'int8',
'dHour89': 'int8',
'dHours': 'int8',
'dIncome1': 'int8',
'dIncome2': 'int8',
'dIncome3': 'int8',
'dIncome4': 'int8',
'dIncome5': 'int8',
'dIncome6': 'int8',
'dIncome7': 'int8',
'dIncome8': 'int8',
'dIndustry': 'int8',
'dOccup': 'int8',
'dPOB': 'int8',
'dPoverty': 'int8',
'dPwgt1': 'int8',
'dRearning': 'int8',
'dRpincome': 'int8',
'dTravtime': 'int8',
'dWeek89': 'int8',
'dYrsserv': 'int8',
'iAvail': 'int8',
'iCitizen': 'int8',
'iClass': 'int8',
'iDisabl1': 'int8',
'iDisabl2': 'int8',
'iEnglish': 'int8',
'iFeb55': 'int8',
'iFertil': 'int8',
'iImmigr': 'int8',
'iKorean': 'int8',
'iLang1': 'int8',
'iLooking': 'int8',
'iMarital': 'int8',
'iMay75880': 'int8',
'iMeans': 'int8',
'iMilitary': 'int8',
'iMobility': 'int8',
'iMobillim': 'int8',
'iOthrserv': 'int8',
'iPerscare': 'int8',
'iRPOB': 'int8',
'iRagechld': 'int8',
'iRelat1': 'int8',
'iRelat2': 'int8',
'iRemplpar': 'int8',
'iRiders': 'int8',
'iRlabor': 'int8',
'iRownchld': 'int8',
'iRrelchld': 'int8',
'iRspouse': 'int8',
'iRvetserv': 'int8',
'iSchool': 'int8',
'iSept80': 'int8',
'iSex': 'int8',
'iSubfam1': 'int8',
'iSubfam2': 'int8',
'iTmpabsnt': 'int8',
'iVietnam': 'int8',
'iWWII': 'int8',
'iWork89': 'int8',
'iWorklwk': 'int8',
'iYearsch': 'int8',
'iYearwrk': 'int8'}
From a quick glance, I can see that there are no longer any int64 columns.
Converting Column Data Types
Now that we know what dtypes to switch each column through, I’ll note two options to change the dtype.
The general way to change a column’s dtype is by running the following:
df[col] = df[col].astype(dtype)
Above, dtype will typically be one of the following: [‘object’,’category’,’int8’,’int16’,’int32’,’int64’,’float16’,’float32’,’float64’].
While you can change your dtype with the above command, this takes far too long on a large df. We will instead be re-loading in our data using the specified dtypes.
new_df = pd.read_table(url,sep=',',dtype=dtypes)
# inspect dataframe size stats
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2458285 entries, 0 to 2458284
Data columns (total 69 columns):
caseid int16
dAge int8
dAncstry1 int8
dAncstry2 int8
iAvail int8
iCitizen int8
iClass int8
dDepart int8
iDisabl1 int8
iDisabl2 int8
iEnglish int8
iFeb55 int8
iFertil int8
dHispanic int8
dHour89 int8
dHours int8
iImmigr int8
dIncome1 int8
dIncome2 int8
dIncome3 int8
dIncome4 int8
dIncome5 int8
dIncome6 int8
dIncome7 int8
dIncome8 int8
dIndustry int8
iKorean int8
iLang1 int8
iLooking int8
iMarital int8
iMay75880 int8
iMeans int8
iMilitary int8
iMobility int8
iMobillim int8
dOccup int8
iOthrserv int8
iPerscare int8
dPOB int8
dPoverty int8
dPwgt1 int8
iRagechld int8
dRearning int8
iRelat1 int8
iRelat2 int8
iRemplpar int8
iRiders int8
iRlabor int8
iRownchld int8
dRpincome int8
iRPOB int8
iRrelchld int8
iRspouse int8
iRvetserv int8
iSchool int8
iSept80 int8
iSex int8
iSubfam1 int8
iSubfam2 int8
iTmpabsnt int8
dTravtime int8
iVietnam int8
dWeek89 int8
iWork89 int8
iWorklwk int8
iWWII int8
iYearsch int8
iYearwrk int8
dYrsserv int8
dtypes: int16(1), int8(68)
memory usage: 164.1 MB
By specifying dtypes, we were able to shrink the df down from 1.3GB to 164.1 MB. That’s huge!
Categorical Columns
This dataset used above doesn’t have any object columns, which suck up the most space. To see how converting an object column to a ‘category’ type can save space, download NYC Bus data from Kaggle. It’s a pretty big file, so it will take a bit of time to download.
file = "
If you can pinpoint object columns that should actually be categorical, you’ll drastically reduce the size of your df by converting them. However, many numerical columns can also be categorical. In fact, if you run the below code on the first df to determine whether a column should be categorical, you’ll find that all columns aside from the ID column are, in fact, categorical. However, in this case, converting the columns to category doesn’t affect the end df size at all (because they’re all int8, which is pretty small).
Typically, less than 40% of the total values in a column should be distinct in order to convert it to a categorical column. Otherwise, it could potentially be less efficient to perform a categorical conversion on the column.
n = df.shape[0] # get the number of rows in the df
for col in df.columns:
if df[col].nunique() / n < 0.4:
dtypes[col] = 'category'
Turns out that all but the first ID column are categorical. Re-loading in the data with the new dtypes doesn’t make it any smaller in this case, but also doesn’t make it any bigger. Converting to categorcial is far more useful when a column is of the ‘object’ type, but since this particular dataframe didn’t have any ‘object’ columns, I wanted to at least show how to go about converting to ‘category.’
Although listed last, this should probably always be your first step when loading data. Oftentimes, datasets can be flooding with duplicate rows, and getting rid of them is easy.
Hopefully using all of these techniques serves to be incredibly useful for those of you working with large datasets in the hopes of speeding up processing.