
A little about myself– I am a data scientist working primarily on government contracts, where my projects have been focused on both machine learning for classification problems and unsupervised NLP. I was recently promoted to lead the data science team at my company, which has helped me build more skills in developing feasible data science projects. This has been a really exciting challenge filled with lots of great learning experiences.

The motivation for this blog is essentially to create a space to share all of the research I’ve done for my own reference and for whoever else happens to stumble upon it. I learned a lot of what I know from General Assembly’s Data Science Immersive program which I attending in the spring of 2017. In fact, all of my 2017 posts were written strictly for the course. The blog started off as a graduation requirement, where I wrote about little things I learned or neat tricks, but has since been revived to explore more in depth topics.

Prior to my GA course, I worked in information services and did a lot of database work with some light web dev thrown in. Working with data at my first job, paired with my bachelors in math, piqued my interest in advanced analytics and data science in general. My main area of interest is research and development and my dream would be to work in life sciences and help with medical-related discoveries.

I’m starting to dabble in freelancing, so please find me on upwork.com

More Information

I have a puppy named Boomer and he is the coolest.


Contact me

Email upwork.com LinkedIn